Move project to other workspace

Move project to other workspace

By: RalphC (WEM)

2021-04-26 08:09
last edited: 2021-06-02 05:41


You can move a project to another workspace, yet there are some things you need to be aware of.

  1. First, you need to be administrator on both workspaces to be able to move any project from one to the other. 
  2. Then, you go to the main page of Modeler, where the Recent Projects are displayed, and you have the button [Manage projects & workspaces] > click this button.
  3. In the list of workspaces, open the workspace where the project resides you want to move.
  4. Click the [...] on that project and click Move project to workspace.
  5. Select the target workspace and click Move project.

Master Templates/Themes

It may be that your project uses a custom Master Template which may not be available in the target workspace. For this, you will need to send in a request (support ticket) to add the specific Master Template to the target workspace.

Custom (not global) Widgets

Please know that moving a project to another workspace is only possible when the project is not using custom widgets. When this is the case, you will need to remove the custom widget usages and references from the project first, to be able to move the project.

When you get the message "failed to move the project" and a mention of Custom Widgets, you will have to remove all usages of Custom Widgets (not the Global ones, just the specific custom ones that are specifically added to the current project and workspace). This is because Widgets are in Libraries which are tightly linked to Workspaces, so all projects in that workspace can use the Widgets, but when one project is moved out of that workspace, the technical references to the Widgets cannot be moved and re-connected.

In these cases, what I usually do, is:

  1. place all usages of widgets in specific Template Fragments, in a specific widgets folder in Template Fragments;
  2. put these Template Fragments in the original places on the interaction nodes or other templates where the widgets are currently used;
  3. next, add a note of all used settings for that widget (within a conditional set to false, so it only shows in modeler);
  4. then delete the widget from the Template Fragment (leaving only the settings-note);
  5. when all is saved, the project should be movable to another workspace;

When project is moved, all you need to do, is:

  1. add the custom widgets/libraries to the project in the new workspace;
  2. add the widgets in the template fragments you've prepared;
  3. and set all properties following the notes.

Ralph - WEM Xpert since 2011

"I speak to machines with the voice of humanity"
-- Marillion, Man of a thousand faces --

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