Portal Homepage: keep it unrestricted!

Portal Homepage: keep it unrestricted!

By: RalphC (WEM)

2021-05-07 07:42


The Portal Homepage is by default set to the Home navigation item. This Homepage is used as the entry point into your portal, the first request.

Sometimes we see that a Visible When -expression is added to this navigation item. Or that the Portal Homepage is set to another navigation item, which has a Visible When -expression. This caused problems.

The starting point of your portal (the Homepage portal setting pointing to the Navigation item pointing to the first flowchart to be executed) should always be unrestricted, so the Visible When -expression on the Navigation item must be empty!

The Visible When -expression in Navigation items is used to:

  • Hide the item from the menu (if expression is false);
  • Block access when navigation item is accessed directly through its path in browser address bar or a navigation-action in flow.

This last thing, blocking the access, is not obvious, so you need to know and understand this.

There are a few exceptions to this general rule:

  • You can use the IsFirstRequest() function to handle the situation when this is the starting point and no session is yet available;
  • You can use some values and expressions just as long as they are NOT accessing Session data (like current logged-in user and specific roles for that user).

Following this last part with possible exceptions, you "could" add a Visible When -expression to your starting point with something like following expression:

    [your expression why this item should be blocked 
     AFTER first request is handled 
     and a session may be available
     but still may cause problems so be careful!]

Just as long as you understand, that when the startingpoint is restricted, and this restriction is not accounting for the first request, your portal will not be able to start and will show an error.

Ralph - WEM Xpert since 2011

"I speak to machines with the voice of humanity"
-- Marillion, Man of a thousand faces --

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