With the latest release (June 23, 2021), we've added 3 new functions for use with Regular Expressions.
RegExIsMatch(Pattern, Text)
yields |
boolean, test for a match of Pattern in Text |
example |
RegExIsMatch("([0-9:]+)", "Yes the match is at 20:15") |
result |
true |
RegExMatches(Pattern, Text)
yields |
array of strings, the Matching Results of Pattern in Text |
example |
RegExMatches("\\b\\w+es\\b", "There are matches in this line, but who writes these notes anyway?") |
result |
matches, writes, notes |
RegExReplace(Pattern, SourceText, ReplaceText)
yields |
ChangedText, where Pattern is replaced by ReplaceText in SourceText. |
example |
RegExReplace("\\d{3}", "Triple (3) numbers like 123 are replaced by zeroes. Some but not all of these 5-niners (99999) become zeroes, and a phonenumber like 020-2402129?", "000") |
result |
Triple (3) numbers like 000 are replaced by zeroes. Some but not all of these 5-niners (00099) become zeroes, and a phonenumber like 000-0000009? |
Additional resources regarding Regular Expressions:
C# cheatsheet links
PDF syntax cheatsheets
Cheatsheet From Microsoft
Quick Reference from Microsoft
Another good cheatsheet
Basic Examples and background
Some examples from Google
Ralph - WEM Xpert since 2011
"I speak to machines with the voice of humanity"
-- Marillion, Man of a thousand faces --