NEW RegEx Functions

NEW RegEx Functions

By: RalphC (WEM)

2021-06-23 08:12
last edited: 2021-06-23 08:35


With the latest release (June 23, 2021), we've added 3 new functions for use with Regular Expressions.

RegExIsMatch(Pattern, Text)

yields boolean, test for a match of Pattern in Text
example RegExIsMatch("([0-9:]+)", "Yes the match is at 20:15")
result true

RegExMatches(Pattern, Text)

yields array of strings, the Matching Results of Pattern in Text
example RegExMatches("\\b\\w+es\\b", "There are matches in this line, but who writes these notes anyway?")
result matches, writes, notes

RegExReplace(Pattern, SourceText, ReplaceText)

yields ChangedText, where Pattern is replaced by ReplaceText in SourceText.
example RegExReplace("\\d{3}", "Triple (3) numbers like 123 are replaced by zeroes. Some but not all of these 5-niners (99999) become zeroes, and a phonenumber like 020-2402129?", "000")
result Triple (3) numbers like 000 are replaced by zeroes. Some but not all of these 5-niners (00099) become zeroes, and a phonenumber like 000-0000009?

Additional resources regarding Regular Expressions:

C# cheatsheet links

PDF syntax cheatsheets
Cheatsheet From Microsoft
Quick Reference from Microsoft
Another good cheatsheet

Basic Examples and background
Some examples from Google

Ralph - WEM Xpert since 2011

"I speak to machines with the voice of humanity"
-- Marillion, Man of a thousand faces --

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