Create a basic search field in new version

Create a basic search field in new version

By: Frankhsum

2022-02-22 11:27


The functionality of WEM has changed with the V3 version, whilst the documentation on how to do things is based on an older version. Therefore this newbie question arises:

How do I create a search box in the current version?
I tried following the steps in the document of V2 but that results in an error:

Failed to write to a field in the data model. The field is a child of a list that has no rows or no row selected.

Exception type: ZoomBim.Wem.Runtime.NoRowPositionException

  • at ZoomBim.Wem.Runtime.Dossier.WriteValueToDossier(DossierField field, Object value) in E:\TeamCity BuildAgent\work\c07bf4084d7f1183\ZoomBim.Wem.Runtime\Dossier.cs:line 671
  • at ZoomBim.Wem.Runtime.InputField`2.TryReadInput(IRuntimeContext context, InputValidationFault& fault) in E:\TeamCity BuildAgent\work\c07bf4084d7f1183\ZoomBim.Wem.Runtime\InputFields\InputField.cs:line 178
  • at ZoomBim.Wem.Runtime.RequestHandler.ReadInput(IRuntimeContext context) in E:\TeamCity BuildAgent\work\c07bf4084d7f1183\ZoomBim.Wem.Runtime\RequestHandler.cs:line 122
  • at ZoomBim.Wem.Runtime.RequestHandler.HandleRequest(IRuntimeContext context) in E:\TeamCity BuildAgent\work\c07bf4084d7f1183\ZoomBim.Wem.Runtime\RequestHandler.cs:line 56
  • at ZoomBim.Wem.Runtime.Mvc.AbstractWemController.HandleAjaxRequest(WemRequest request, Portal portal) in E:\TeamCity BuildAgent\work\c07bf4084d7f1183\ZoomBim.Wem.Runtime\Mvc\AbstractWemController.cs:line 164

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Re:Create a basic search field in new version

By: RalphC (WEM)

2022-02-22 12:10


Have you at least tried to do the Online Training? That should help to get through some basic work. Starting point is available on the startpage of MyWEM.

Documentation will be updated - we are working on that....

The error message as displayed, just indicates that you are trying to set a value to a field in a list, while you are not yet on a specific row in that list. If you want to make a search field, you cannot use a field from the list itself, but use a "temp" field, which you then can compare to fields in the list. It is really important to go through the online training, this will be addressed.

Ralph - WEM Xpert since 2011

"I speak to machines with the voice of humanity"
-- Marillion, Man of a thousand faces --

Re:Create a basic search field in new version

By: Frankhsum

2022-02-23 11:40

Thanks for your reply.
I knew how to do it in V3, but that was years ago. I read the training part again but unless there is something i'm missing there is litterally 1 page that explains search. When I do exactly that, I still get this error msg.

Re:Create a basic search field in new version

By: Frankhsum

2022-02-23 12:08

Found it! 
The search field cannot be part of the list, but there is a standard folder in the list that is named " search fields". I created a search field there, but that doesn't work... Works now, but it is confusing to me..

wemscore 494 , 45 views, 3 replies

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